
CEO of Public Institution „Tikra produkcija“

Gytis daugEla

The public institution "Tikra produkcija" is a production company headed by producer Gytis Daugėlas. The company, which is in its 25th year, has organized dozens of mass events of various styles and genres, festivals, awards, radio broadcasts, private events, celebrations and presentations, concerts of Lithuanian and foreign stars, produced a number of original Lithuanian projects, such as "The Metamorphoses of World Classics", Metamorphoses of Rock Classics, Metamorphoses of Latin American Rhythms, Metamorphoses of Love Classics, musicals The Devil's Bride (2003), Tadas Blinda (2004), Love and Death in Verona (2006, 2008), Music Awards BRAVO, Dance Music Sessions, Renaissance and Nokia Plug-In, City Celebrations, Charity and Charter Events and Festivals.

The publishing activity of "Tikra Produkcija" includes audio and video recordings of the best original projects: World Classics Metamorphoses (1999, CD), Rock Classics Metamorphoses (2000, CD), Latin American Classics Metamorphoses (2001, CD), " Classic Metamorphoses of Love" (2002, CD), musicals "Devil's Bride" (2003; CD, DVD), "Tadas Blinda" (2004, CD), "Love and Death in Verona" (2008; CD, DVD)", Musicals " BRAVO Awards" (CD, DVD).

In 2017 - 2020, VšĮ "Tikra produkcija" implemented probably the most unique photo project in the history of our country, as a result of which it published the historical documentary photo album "LITHUANIA AND US". More details about the entire photo project can be found in the LITHUANIA AND US section of our website.

Since 2022, VšĮ "Tikra produksija" has been carrying out its creative activities under the name of "Green World Aid".

Executive Producer

marija tarasova

More than 25 years of experience as an executive producer, organizing in Lithuania "Rammstein", "Depeche Mode", "Whitesnake", "Scorpions", "Krafwerk", "Prodigy", "Kronos Quartet", Sting, Lenny Kravitz, Sarah Brightman, Jean Michel Concerts by Jarre, Patricia Kaas, Chris Rea, Ed Sheeran, Marilyn Manson, Bryan Adams and many other great artists and bands.

Art Director/Performer (piano)

darius maZintas

Darius Mažintas is one of the brightest performers of the young generation in Lithuania, whose work is associated with expressiveness, subtlety and boundless emotional appeal. The pianist is characterized by musicality and unique interpretation, unexpected nuances and unique musical images.

D. Mažintas was born in 1982. In Vilnius. Since 1988 studied at the National M.K. Čiurlionis School of Arts, 2000 graduated from Vilnius Balis Dvarionas ten-year music school and continued his studies at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater (LMTA), prof. Veronika Vitaitė's class. In 2005 - 2006, the performer trained at the world-famous G. Verdi Conservatory in Milan, Italy. in 2010 D. Mažintas completed postgraduate art studies at LMTA and obtained the degree of licentiate of arts.

The pianist performed in the USA, Germany, France, Italy, Sweden, Holland and other countries. Participant of many international festivals. He performed solo recitals at the Aspen music festival, Westchester piano festival (USA), Somerakademie (Germany), Holland Music Sessions (Holland). In addition to solo activities, D. Mažintas also regularly performs chamber music. The pianist played with the Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra, the Klaipėda Chamber Orchestra, performed with the most famous soloist of the Lithuanian Opera, prof. Virgiliu Noreika, one of the most famous Lithuanian opera singers Sandra Janušaite and many other great soloists.

Also Darius Mažintas - author of educational music projects, organizer of charity concerts and artistic director of the support fund "Looking at the stars". in 2022 in April and December, this Canadian charity foundation founded by philanthropist Dmitry Kanovich organized two unique concerts by Darius Mažintas in Irpina and Izium, Ukraine, devastated by Russian aggressors. in 2023 the pianist has performed at the official event of the NATO summit in Vilnius, at the Embassy of the United Kingdom.


vilija maZintaitE

Founder and artistic director of Viva Choir

Ambitious young and talented conductor and composer Vilija Mažintaitė was born in Vilnius in a family of musicians (grandmother – the famous Lithuanian choir conductor and pedagogue Nadežda Kazakauskienė, mother – music history and theory teacher, brother – pianist), and she spent her childhood and adolescence in a cultural and musical environment, surrounded by artists and cultural representatives.

Having successfully graduated from the National M.K. Čiurlionis School of Arts (2003) and the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater (in 2009, she was awarded a master's degree in music and professional qualifications as a conductor and music teacher), Vilija actively got involved in the cultural life of Lithuania and abroad.

in 2008 she started her career as a composer and since then she has been creating very diverse music - from developed Lithuanian folk songs to musicals, electro-folk mysteries and mystical cantatas (mystical cantata "Axis Mundi" ("Axis of the World" created in 2018) for choir and soloist, for string quartet, piano and reader - the first work of a Lithuanian author of this genre). The latest works of composition - 2020. created works for women's choir "Ave Regina" and "O magnum mysterium".

Since 2011 Vilija Mažintaitė is the only founder, artistic director and conductor of the women's choir "Viva". This team won a number of important awards, including gold and silver medals at the World Choir Games (2014, Latvia), the "Golden Bird" statuette for the impressive results achieved in a short time since its formation (2014, Lithuania), a gold medal in the competition "Canco Mediterrania" (2016, Spain), 1st place in the international choir competition "Singing Nations" (2018, Lithuania), 1st place in the international S. Šimkaus choir competition (2018, Lithuania), golden diploma of the competition in the 18th International At the Felix Nowowiejskis Choral Music Festival (2019, Poland), "Grand Prix" winner and the best Lithuanian amateur choir award at the Lithuanian Adult Choir Competition (2023, Lithuania) and many other achievements.

More information about the choir "VIVA" –


deividas dumCius

Deividas Dumčius is a laureate of many national and international competitions, who studied at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater (LMTA) in the cello class of docent Edmund Kulikauskas.

The talented instrumentalist has participated in one of the most famous contemporary music master courses at the "International Ensemble Modern Academy" in Germany, as well as in the master courses of teachers Nicholas Jones, Silvija Sondeckienė, and David Gering.

From 2012 to 2020, D. Dumčius actively performed with the New Ideas chamber orchestra NIKO. As a member of the ensemble, he has performed in New York, Washington, Los Angeles, London, Vienna, Kiev, Berlin, Astana, Reykjavik, Hamburg, Leipzig and other cities around the world. The artist has played with violinists David Nebel, Mari Samuolsen, Alekseis Igudesman, Nigel Kennedy, cellists Vytautas Sondeckis, David Gering and trumpeter Ole Edvard Antonsen.

From 2018 D. Dumčius is a member of the trio "Meta". With this ensemble, he has won the highest awards in international competitions not only in Lithuania, but also abroad. From 2021 Deividas Dumčius is a cellist of the Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra.